Wills & Estates
We all face it – death. Either planning for our own death or dealing with a family member’s inevitable death, there is no room for error or uncertainty. If a person dies without a Will, then State law dictates how the estate is distributed. That may be fine in some instances, but more often than not the decedent would have done something different to secure their legacy. We endeavor to make things simple for our clients and ensure they are protected to the end. As a Hospice preferred estate planning firm, we promise to make the estate planning process easy, straight-forward and complete. Our typical estate planning package includes a Last Will and Testament, a Durable Personal Power of Attorney, an Advanced Healthcare Directive and a Disposition of Last Remains. If your situation requires additional planning, we can discuss your options using a revocable or irrevocable trust.
When a loved one dies, the estate administration process can be confusing, time consuming and stressful. In addition, lack of knowledge and guidance can be costly to the family if the Estate is not managed properly. We’ve been administering Estates for almost twenty years. We know the law and the process. Our goal in estate administration is to ensure that your loved one’s wishes are carried out in an orderly and legal manner with as little stress as possible to you and the family.
Simple planning can save family heartache. I'll never forget the young lady who came to my office for a consultation. She was raised by her step-father from a very young age after her mother died unexpectedly. Her step-dad was the only parent she ever knew. To her, this man was her father. Unfortunately he died without a will and the only beneficiary was his son who had been estranged for over thirty years. She inherited nothing. This heartache could have been prevented with a very simple will. Estate planning for a simple estate is very inexpensive but priceless.
Disputes involving estates and estate distribution is as common as death itself. The decedent may or may not have died with a Will and the handling of the estate depends heavily on that single determination. Estate litigation includes such practices as contesting a will; determining rights under a Will or intestate law; objecting to an estate’s inventory or accounting; or, forcing an executor to administer the estate correctly.
Estate administration can be confusing, costly, and wasteful to someone who doesn’t know the law. One of the most difficult parts of estate administration is managing creditors. Creditors are like vultures. When they hear about their client’s death, they’ll do anything they can to get paid. Family members can also be problems because they can’t wait for their inheritance. Knowing how to administer an estate and deal with creditors and relentless family members is priceless.